Becoming an Internet Marketer: A Guide to Getting Started

an Internet Marketer

Who is an internet marketer? What does this specialist do? What are the responsibilities and requirements of modern internet marketers? How to become one of them? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

The profession of an Internet marketer, despite its novelty, is very much in demand. With the growing popularity of online stores, the demand for marketers in promoting goods and services in social networks is also growing.

An Internet marketer is a specialist who carries out a set of marketing activities in the field of network technologies to promote goods and various services on the market.

An Internet marketer is a popular and fast-growing specialty related to promotion in social networks, which have become one of the main channels of interaction with the audience for advertisers. 

Services that can be provided by an Internet marketer

  • Analysis of the target audience and organic competitors.
  • Collection of the necessary information.
  • Creation and design of profiles in social networks.
  • Creation of a positive image of the company.
  • Customer acquisition and retention.
  • Dealing with content.
  • Improving the quality and attractiveness of products to a certain level.

What are the responsibilities of modern internet marketers?

The list of responsibilities performed by an Internet marketer is strongly determined by the specifics of the company’s products. However, there are some basic responsibilities common to most internet marketers:

  • Analysis of competitors.
  • Analysis of the client’s target audience.
  • Creation of the company’s online communities and their promotion.
  • Dealing with famous bloggers and influencers.
  • Developing the strategy of promoting the company on the Internet.
  • SEO-promotion of the client’s Internet resource and bringing it to the top.
  • Setting up advertising.
  • Tracking negative feedback.

Requirements for Internet marketers

When choosing an employee for the vacancy of an Internet marketer, employers today, first of all, look at the experience. Some employers need Internet marketers with 5-6 years of experience, while others need only one year or no experience in this field.

People without work experience are also hired, but in this case, the applicant must have a degree in a related specialty or a certificate about finishing of digital marketing course. The salary at the initial stage of such specialists will be much lower than that of more experienced colleagues. However, you should bear in mind that any work in the specialty provides the necessary experience for further development; the most important thing is motivation. Nowadays, there is a very large number of job opportunities in internet marketing. So, you’ll find a job offer without any doubts on the condition that you try hard.

How to learn the profession of Internet marketer?

If you decide to become an Internet marketer, you first need to take care of specialized training. General courses for Internet marketers are suitable for those who start from scratch, where specialized specialists will immediately train novices in this profession. More experienced employees should focus on certain Internet marketing components, such as online lead generation, marketing analytics, affiliate marketing, brand uniformity, blogging, etc. If you already have experience in Internet promotion, you should focus on a deeper study of those areas you currently have knowledge of.