Coffee shops are increasing at a pace of 7% per year, with each business selling a mean of 84,000 cups per year, according to According to, the United States alone will have 37,000 coffee shops in 2020, resulting in an annual sales volume of over 3 billion cups of coffee! There are several options for you to work in a coffee shop as a result of the proliferation of coffee shops around the country. Great information available there related to the Resume for coffee shop.
More Info About Coffee Shop Resume
By the year 2021, the hourly wage for cafe managers will be between $10 and $18, while the hourly cost for a barista will be between $8 and $13. As a result, you may expect to make anything from $18 to $31k each year. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for a coffee shop employee is $11.63.
Typical chain cafes employ ten to fifteen staff, whereas smaller cafes normally employ one manager and six to seven workers. As a result, finding work at a coffee shop should not be difficult for you.
How to Make Resume?
You may get employment as a barista at a variety of coffee shops, but you must first create a coffee shop CV that will catch the attention of potential employers.
In order to do this, you must:
Take a look at the structure of your resume. Make an eye-catching resume heading for yourself. Make a list of your most important qualifications.
Layout of the Resume for Coffee Shop Worker
Your resume for a coffee business should have a clean, but professional, appearance. Your resume should include enough white space so that it is easy to read, but not so much that it seems like you have nothing further to say. Direct the hiring manager’s attention to the section of the resume you want them to view first by using large, bold heading titles, ideally 2 to 4 points larger than your typical font size.
Keep at least a 1-inch margin on both sides of your coffee shop job application. In the body of your resume, use single line spacing, but allow a space between each entry. Use a font size of 11 to 12 points for common professional resume fonts. The formatting of your resume should not be lost when you print it out, unless it is explicitly stated differently.
Header of the Resume
The management of the coffee shop should be able to tell right away by looking at your résumé who you are and how to contact you. At the top of your resume, choose a big, strong typeface to place your name. Your contact information, such as a current cell phone number and email address, should be included underneath this. If you want to include your entire postal address on your CV, you may. Please include your professional website or LinkedIn page, as well if applicable.
Professional Summary for Resume
Work summaries are appropriate for seasoned baristas, while career goals are appropriate for those who are just starting out. It’s important for employers to be able to get a sense of what you can bring to the table right away. Those that enjoy what they see in your resume summary statement are more likely to read the remainder. If not, they’ll toss it in the trash and go on to the next candidate.
Add Work Experience
What you’ve learnt and done as a result of your previous employment duties goes on display in this area of your resume. Reverse chronological order your work history. If you worked for a corporation or a coffee shop, provide the name of the establishment, its location, and the dates of your employment. Using the terms they mentioned in the job description, list your relevant work duties. Bullet points are a great way to organize your thoughts.
Education History
Except for positions such as shift supervisor or coffee shop manager, a high school diploma is all you need to apply for a job at a coffee shop. The management of the coffee business would be more interested in your accomplishments. In the event that you have previous experience working in a coffee shop, your experience should be included first; otherwise, your education and barista abilities should be listed first.
Skill Set
Hiring managers are looking for talents that are directly related to the job duties of a coffee shop employee. Working at a café requires more than simply the ability to prepare and serve customers’ food and drink orders. It also depends on excellent customer service to generate return business and on collaboration to keep the cafe running smoothly at all times, particularly during peak hours when the number of customers is at its highest.
Including both technical and soft talents in your CV is a good way to demonstrate your suitability for the position.