One of the most important elements of the financial system of any state is personal finance, which are financial flows associated with the receipt of income by individuals, the accumulation and use of these incomes. Since personal finance plays such a role in the functioning of the financial system of the state as a whole, it is of great importance for the individual and society to increase their knowledge of personal finance.
In addition, we must also not forget that the United States of America is the largest financial state: American stock exchanges are the largest financial centers in the world, the most influential of them are NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. It is here that well-known stock indices are formed and published, which are taken into account in all countries of the world. The New York Stock Exchange (located on the famous Wall Street) (New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)) is the largest stock exchange in the US and in the world by capitalization. The exchange determines the world famous Dow Jones Industrial Average, as well as the NYSE Composite and NYSE ARCA Tech 100 Index.
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ)) is the world’s first exchange created electronically. It calculates the NASDAQ Composite individual stock index. It consists of more than 5,000 companies, most of which operate in the field of high scientific technologies, software development, biotechnology, telecommunications business. You can check top online lender here. The American Stock Exchange (AMEX) publishes dozens of indices, but the most popular is the AMEX Major Market Index.
Since 1995, the Jump$tart Individual Financial Literacy Coalition has been operating in the United States to help young people under the age of 19. This coalition is a partnership of more than 150 national organizations and entities that use collective efforts and resources to improve the quality and effectiveness of financial education. In 2002, the United States Treasury established the Office of Financial Institutions (OFI) as a wholly government agency. In cooperation with the US Congress, the Financial Literacy and Eduction Commission (FLEC) was organized. The work of the Commission on Financial Literacy and Education resulted in the publication in 2006 of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy. Within the framework of the strategy, directions for the formation of information and educational programs were determined. One of the strategic directions of the National Strategy is to prepare the country’s young population from an early age for a successful financial future (Starting Early for Financial Success). In the United States, the maximum participation of the private sector and non-profit organizations is achieved at all stages of the “technological chain” of financial education, such as research, formulation of strategies (programs), implementation and evaluation of their effectiveness. An important place in this chain of financial literacy is occupied by finance classes and a variety of finance courses, which have a clear differentiation of training by target population groups and among which we can distinguish:
− national website for improving the level of financial education of all citizens;
− interactives tools for planning for retirement;
− websites for children and young people (from 3 to 21 years old);
− Young Entrepreneurs course;
– a variety of finance courses on the Youtube channel (for example, the Payday Plus Youtube channel, which provides a large amount of interesting information in the field of personal finance);
− finance education programs for small businesses;
− finance education programs for the elderly.
If today you do not want to waste time attending financial courses offline, then you can get online on Payday Plus all the information you need. There you will gain knowledge, skills and abilities to build a comprehensive and effective personal finance management system in accordance with your income; be able to identify real sources of additional income and financing of your expenses; get acquainted with the features of the functioning of stock exchanges and the opportunities to earn real money on them; you will no longer be afraid of the terrible names of stock indices and will be able to easily integrate into the financial sphere of society.