Clarence Thomas Net Worth

Clarence Thomas Net Worth

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is the longest-serving member of the Supreme Court at present. George H.W. Bush appointed him to the Court in 1991. The Supreme Court now has two Black men, both male. As the new chief justice, Clarence Thomas succeeded Thurgood Marshall. Today we are going to talk about Clarence Thomas net worth.

Clarence Thomas net worth

The most up-to-date information suggests that Clarence Thomas has a million dollars in assets. As on his most recent financial disclosure, Clarence has a minimum net worth of $600,000 and a maximum net worth of $1 million. As a Supreme Court judge, he earns $220,000 a year.

How did Clarence Thomas build his net worth?

He was born in a poor rural Georgia household in 1948, and his grandpa had a significant role in his upbringing.

Thomas first considered becoming a priest but realized early on that he was a brilliant student, so he enrolled at The College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts and studied law at Yale, graduating in 1974.

Clarence Thomas Net Worth

After working as an attorney in various capacities for roughly 15 years, in 1989, he was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals bench for the District of Columbia Circuit.

A member of the Republican Party, President George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence to the Supreme Court in 1991. Despite a contentious confirmation hearing that Thomas has called a “high-tech lynching,” he was ultimately approved by a vote of 52 to 48.

He will become the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court. Justice Thomas is a Supreme Court member and a constitutional law professor at George Washington University.

Furthermore, he has written and published two books, the second of which, “My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir,” earned him a $1.5 million advance from HarperCollins in 2008.

Thomas and his wife Virginia also possess a $1 million home in Fairfax Station, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, DC.

Career in Politics

Thomas would return to working with John Danforth between 1979 and 1981. Danforth became a senator, and Thomas worked as a legislative aide on energy matters for the Senate Commerce Committee.

Thomas served as the Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Civil Rights in 1981. This occurred during Reagan’s presidency. Eventually, Thomas would become the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s chairman.

President George H.W. Bush nominated Thomas to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 1989, and his confirmation was a cakewalk.

Teaching Income and Book Deals

An extra income of up to around $30,000 per year is permissible for Supreme Court Justices, most of which comes from teaching and consulting. Thomas has made that much in the last several years from teaching at George Washington University, University of Kansas, University of Georgia, and Notre Dame law schools.

That limit does not include publication royalties and advance payments. Thomas’ memoir, “My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir,” became a #1 New York Times bestseller, earning him a significant book advance of $1.5 million.

Clarence Thomas’ Assets

Clarence has a $2 million Chicago home that he owns outright. The commercial land he owns in Boston is worth $1 million. In addition, he has a $5 million stock portfolio and $880,000 in the bank. All of these items significantly boost Clarence Thomas’s net worth.


There was investment income on Thomas’s 2018 revised income disclosure statement, mainly in the form of dividends and interest, with the annual income from most assets being less than $1,000. To name just a few, we have stock and real estate investment trust (REIT) assets, a Vanguard money market fund, a Wells Fargo certificate of deposit, a Universal Life Insurance policy yielding $25,000 to $50,000 each year, and other smaller investments.

His tax return shows that Ginger, Ltd., a partnership, earned up to $100,000 in rental revenue last year.

Early Life

Born in Georgia at the height of the Jim Crow period, Clarence Thomas has lived with the legacy of racism his whole life. His folks worked the same occupations that many other people did back then. His parents were both farmers, while his mother was a stay-at-home housewife.

Thomas’s family tree traces to Sandy and Peggy, two enslaved people. In retrospect, it was a challenging period for Thomas. To support Clarence and his siblings, Clarence’s mother had to work many jobs at little pay.

Clarence moved in with his grandparents after the fire that destroyed his house. They provided an excellent basis for the adult Clarence Thomas to develop into. Thomas has called his granddad “the best guy I have ever met.”

Personal Life

Thomas finally tied the knot with his longtime sweetheart “Kathy Grace Ambush” in 1971. Jamal Adeen is the only child of the couple. However, the couple split up in 1984. He wed Republican Dick Armey’s staffer and activist Virginia Lamp in 1987. Her involvement in conservative politics continued when she took a job as a consultant for the Heritage Foundation. Thomas established and headed up the organization known as “Liberty Central.”

Thomas went to Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, DC, on March 21 with “flu-like symptoms.” After completing diagnostic tests, we decided that he needed medical attention and started him on an intravenous antibiotic regimen.

The attorney Moira Smith claimed in 2016 that Thomas had assaulted her in 1999 while she was a Truman Foundation researcher. The accusation was “preposterous,” Thomas remarked.

Clarence Thomas Net Worth

Since 1999, Thomas and his wife have been riding a motor bus between judicial hearings throughout the United States.

Scholars of the Supreme Court have characterized Thomas’ jurisprudence as a textualist, placing a premium on the original meaning of the United States Constitution and laws. The rule of law is also something he strongly supports. Many historians and political scientists believe that Thomas is the most conservative justice on the Court.


Unfortunately, Clarence Thomas is a broken man. Due to childhood sexual assault, he has difficulty trusting others. Furthermore, he has deep-seated hatred and animosity against those in positions of control over him.


Is Clarence Thomas a millionaire?

It’s safe to assume that Clarence Thomas has a million dollars in the bank. He is a millionaire, as shown by his high net worth and yearly pay.

Which faith does Clarence Thomas follow?

His grandfather raised him in a poor Gullah community outside of Savannah when his father deserted the family. Thomas was going to become a priest in the Catholic Church since he was a Christian, but the church’s approach to racism discouraged him.

What did Clarence Thomas do before his Supreme Court nomination?

After finishing law school in 1974, Thomas went to work for Missouri’s Attorney General. He started his professional life in 1977 as a legislative aide for Senator John C. Danforth.


Justice Clarence Thomas is an honorable and patriotic American. His $1 million fortune may not compare to his peers, but it reflects his persistent devotion to the law and his decades-long career serving the public interest. His legacy will go on as he

is regarded as a remarkable Supreme Court judge whose work will influence the careers of lawyers of the future.

Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.