As one of the FDA-approved quit-smoking products, nicotine lozenge is the first option for smokers who are trying to cut up tobacco cigarettes. With this medication, you can embrace an inhalation-free lifestyle with no more risks than smoking, while enjoying nicotine stimulation.
When using the lozenges, you just need to put the candy-like lozenges into your mouth. Then the nicotine contained in the lozenge will be absorbed into the tissues of your mouth, finally delivering nicotine to your body through the bloodstream. Nicotine lozenges can help you ditch cigarettes and other traditional tobacco products. If you want to quit as soon as possible, you should use nicotine lozenges properly to get the maximum effect. Read this article and learn some methods and tips for using oral lozenges.
How to use nicotine lozenges?
“Nicotine on demand” is the first rule for using nicotine lozenges. But in actuality, you need to consider more about the dose and others aspects. If you feel confused, keep reading and figure out what works best for you.
l Start on the right dose
Starting with the right dose can lay a solid foundation for your quitting plan. That also means you don’t have to suffer from severe withdrawal reactions or be addicted to the extremely strong nicotine. So remember that the first thing first is about the dose.
Generally, nicotine lozenges come in regular and mini two sizes with two different strengths: 2mg and 4mg. You can totally choose the right dose according to your personal situation.
Think about the time when you have your first cigarette. If that happens within 30 minutes of waking, using with 4mg dose can be more effective in controlling your craving for nicotine. If you have the first cigarette after 30 minutes after waking, choose the 2mg lozenge.
l Lower the dose or control the course of using
Most users take nicotine lozenges as one remedy to help them reduce and eventually quit smoke. And according to the investigation, you can finally stop the use of the lozenges completely by gradually lowering the dose and how often you use them. The whole process generally takes 8 – 12 weeks.
During the first six weeks of the quit attempt, use one piece for 1-2 hours and at least 9 lozenges per day, ensuring enough nicotine intake for your body.
Besides, consider what time you usually have a cigarette in a day, and prepare and use nicotine lozenges in advance to soothe the desire for nicotine.
l Combine nicotine lozenges with patches if needed
It is allowed and approved to use other nicotine replacement therapies together with nicotine lozenges. And we suggest you use the lozenges in combination with nicotine patches against stronger cravings. Start with the 2mg dose when taken as a supplement.
Quick lozenge tips
- Don’t drink, eat, or smoke when the nicotine lozenge is in your mouth
- It is not the same as regular lozenges. Use no more than 20 pieces per day.
- Change the flavor if you don’t like the taste of the lozenges
How do nicotine lozenges work?
Using nicotine lozenges is easy. To ensure the best effect of using the lozenges, you’d better choose reliable brands like NIOO. Firstly, take a nicotine lozenge out of the finely-designed packaging and place one in your mouth. Then you can feel a warm and tingling sensation. Remember to rotate it occasionally from side to side.
With the long-lasting nicotine experience, you can fully enjoy the nicotine lozenges for 1-2 hours until it is fully absorbed. High-quality nicotine lozenge can live longer and stronger nicotine stimulation than the average effects.
Best occasions to enjoy nicotine lozenges
Generally, nicotine lozenges are slow-release design, which is conducive to extended dates, drawn-out work meetings, or any occasions and times when you are eager for nicotine kicks. But this design won’t affect its efficiency. For instance, while NIOO lozenges offer a slow release, it is not so prolonged that you must wait for nicotine stimulation when you want it most. Therefore, the lozenges will timely soothe your craving in just like other medicine.
You can use nicotine lozenges together with other medicines to maximize the effect. Please ask for more professional suggestions if needed.