Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Modern-Day Healthcare


Healthcare ethics or bioethics refer to principles, beliefs, and values guiding medical care decisions. Medical ethics are founded on the sense of what is right and wrong and the belief system concerning the rights we possess and the duties we have to other individuals. Ethics are a fundamental part of healthcare today as they help practitioners make right, fair, and just selections. Similarly, social responsibility is a theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duties, and their actions must benefit society. Social responsibility guarantees a balance is maintained between economic growth and environmental and social welfare. In healthcare, social responsibility refers to the ethical obligation requiring healthcare organizations to engage in activities that will benefit the delivery of quality, affordable and accessible healthcare.

Ethics Healthcare

In contemporary society, ethical behavior is perceived as an essential part of healthcare because it is linked with human rights. Ethics in healthcare are crucial as they assist personnel in recognizing dilemmas and make proper judgments and decisions based on their values while remaining within the laws that govern their code of conduct. Ethical dilemmas are common in nursing and may sometimes conflict with the principle of ethics. However, ethics will also be fundamental in this situation as they will assist in advocating for the patient’s welfare and finding a balance when delivering patient care. The application of the ethical principles will be fundamental in making the choice that will have the most benefit to the patient and protect their interests and rights.

Healthcare Professional Practice

Social responsibility and ethics ensure that healthcare professionals practice competently and with integrity. The code of ethics will guide the actions of the practitioners, ensuring they practice within the principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. They provide direction on how to act right whenever an individual faces moral issues and dilemmas. It ensures that health care practitioners can maintain a good relationship with patients and their families and communicate effectively. Assure patients that the medical practitioners always have their best interests at heart and will therefore be willing to accept the recommendations provided.therefore, ensure that a positive outcome can be guaranteed for patients.

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Patients want the highest quality of care with reasonable caution measures. Therefore, they are also in search of professional and certified medical personnel. Ethics and social responsibility will ensure that healthcare professionals can provide high-quality care with reasonable caution. Any concerns and issues that may arise are addressed promptly, and individuals are held accountable. This ensures that human life is always protected, and unethical behavior is not tolerated in healthcare.

Ethical Principles

The organization has increasingly realized the Importance of social responsibility, and healthcare has not been left behind. In the last decade, it has become apparent that profit is a necessary condition but insufficient, and thus, the organization needs to pursue other laudable goals. Therefore, health care organizations integrate ethical principles in strategic planning and daily activities. Social responsibility helps health care contribute to the betterment of society by fulfilling human rights.

It allows the organization to use its skills and resources to contribute to the common good.  Health care organizations can engage in social responsibility to promote physical and mental health and well-being and contribute towards achieving universal health coverage.