Main Parts Of Computer And Their Functions

main parts of computer

What are the main parts of a computer? Desktop computers are made of multiple parts which work together to perform tasks for you. 

If you want to know what the main parts of a computer are, this blog post is perfect for you! 

In this article, I am going to tell you about the important parts of a computer. Then you can see them when you open it up. Here is FS PCBA.

So, in here, we’ll go over everything from the motherboard and CPU to memory and storage.

Which of the parts of a computer executes the program instructions

There are so many parts to a computer. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what each one does and how they all work together. 

The central processing unit, or CPU, is the part of a computer that executes program instructions. 

So it is easy to think that the only part of a computer that runs programs is the processor. But there are other important pieces too!

What parts of a computer have gold?

Gold is an element that can find in many of the components inside your computer. It’s found on the circuit board, in some cables and connectors, and even in some chips.

In addition, if you’re wondering what parts of your computer have gold, there are a few places to look.  The CPU (Central Processing Unit) has small amounts of gold for thermal purposes. 

The power supply has traces of gold for safety purposes; finally, the graphics card (video card) contains about 25% by weight.


The CPU, or central processing unit, is one of the most important components in a computer. It controls all other parts and serves as their interface. 


CPU performs some specific tasks like executing programs and controlling all the work of the computer. Different types of CPUs perform the same task but in different ways.

The CPU also has three important internal components: 

ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) – This component performs mathematical and logical operations. A set of commands called the Arithmetic Logic Unit comes with each CPU;

FPU (Floating-Point Unit) – The Floating-Point Unit (FPU) handles all data and instructions that use a floating-point format, such as 32-bit and 64-bit real numbers;

Control Unit – The job of the control unit is to tell all the other components what to do.

5 parts of a computer

Here are the five parts of a computer. I’ll briefly explain what they do. As well as how you can tell if one is broken or not working correctly. 

-The first part is the monitor

-The second part is the RAM cards and hard drives.

-Third is the keyboard

-The fourth is your mouse

-Lastly, there’s the wire connecting 


The monitor is the screen that displays all your files and programs on the screen for you to see.

If there is no picture when you turn it on, one of the parts might not work.


The main storage unit of the computer is RAM or Random Access Memory. 

This part essentially “holds” information that’s currently being used by the CPU. So it can be accessed whenever you need to use it. 

Random access means any piece of information can be “randomly” accessed or retrieved from the memory at any time.

RAM has been one of the most important advancements in technology because computers wouldn’t have their current capabilities without it.

Without RAM, computers wouldn’t be able to store any information and would essentially shut down.


The keyboard is a device that takes input from the user and sends it to the CPU. 

When you push the keys, the keyboard sends a signal to the CPU that’s translated into something meaningful.

If there is no input when you push down on a key or multiple inputs at once, then one of the components might be a break.


The mouse acts as an interface between your hands and computer, allowing you to move the cursor around and click on different items.

If there’s no input when you move the mouse, then it might be broken. 

Wire connecting

This wire sends visual signals to the monitor and processes commands from your hands to control what happens on the screen.

When this wire isn’t working, you’ll only be able to see the logo on your screen or nothing at all.


The motherboard is the central hub that connects all of your computer’s components, like the CPU and hard drive.

When you turn on your computer, it sends power through the motherboard to boot up.

It also sends data between USB ports, monitors, keyboards, and mice.

A broken motherboard can cause various problems with your PC, including system instability or not being able to use any peripherals at all. 

Storage (mechanical hard disk or SSD)

Storage (mechanical hard disk or SSD) is the place you put all your stuff. Everyone knows what storage is, but not everyone knows how it works. 

Inside your storage device is a spinning plate with magnets.

This plate spins around fast to store data, so the faster it spins, the more information it can store there.

It also has a system of chips on it to help move all the data around and access it quickly.

When the plate doesn’t spin, your computer won’t be able to read or write any information onto it.

GPU (Video Card)

GPU (video card) is responsible for what you see on your monitor. How do HDDs work? 

This component takes a video signal from the motherboard and turns it into a visible picture on a screen. 

If this part isn’t working properly, then it could cause distorted graphics, flickering lights, or a black screen when you turn it on.

When this part doesn’t work, it’s usually accompanied by other problems like a hard drive or motherboard failure.

Which parts of a computer can store program code?

A computer is a machine that can perform mathematical and logical operations. 

It’s possible to store program code in several places on a computer, including RAM, the hard drive, and flash drives. 

Each part has pros and cons depending on what you’re trying to do with it. 

For example, you might be using a program for something very specific, like encrypting files or launching missiles from an underground bunker.

It would help to ensure that all of the parts were secure so they did not leak information.

You might be able to access them remotely by folks who aren’t looking out for their best interests.

If you want to use this program while sitting at your desk, then RAM would be enough.

It loads when you turn on the power instantly, but it will disappear when turned off.

Which parts of a computer require the most maintenance?

The CPU is the most important part of your computer. The tiny connections will break if too much moisture gets inside or if the temperature is wrong.

If the CPU gets too hot, it might warp and bend, which would reduce its ability to compute information correctly.

Computers need to have a fan inside to flash the hot air out. This fan in the computer could break and cause the computer to overheat. It can do a lot of damage.

If you want to find out if a part is broken or faulty, you can run software tests on it.

Network Interface Card or Wi-Fi Card

What are Network Interface Cards or Wi-Fi cards? Some people don’t know the difference between these two. 

It is important to understand that they are different. A network interface card, or NIC, is a card that has an Ethernet port on it. 

The NIC can insert into your computer for internet connectivity.

The Wi-Fi card is built right in most laptops, so you do not have to worry about inserting one of these cards into your laptop

Optical drive (DVD/CD ROM)

A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM is a physical thing that reads your disks. You can also call it a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive.

Graphics Card

A graphics card, also known as a video card or an “adapter,” is the part of your computer. That allows you to see graphics on your computer screen.

Power Supply Unit (PSU)

The power supply unit (PSU) is the part of your computer that takes power from your wall. And turns it into energy that all the parts can use in your computer.

Without a PSU, your computer would not be able to turn on. If your computer shuts down and crashes a lot, it might be because of the power supply.

OS (Operating System)

The Operating System is the program that your computer runs on. You can read more about them here. 

The operating system you use does matter in some cases, depending on what you use your computer for. 

If you want to have a system just for gaming, you will want to get one that works well for that. 

If you are looking to use your computer for business or school, you may want to get one that is more “standard” across devices. 

You can read more about what operating systems are best for different types of uses here.

Hard Drive

A hard drive is a device that stores data for the computer. It can store just about anything from music, pictures, internet browsing history, and many other things.

Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.