If you’re looking for a beautiful floral arrangement, lavender is one of the best choices. These stunning flowers come in various varieties, including English lavender, French lavender, and even French hybrids. Whether you’re looking for a bouquet to give to a friend or send anniversary flowers as a gift, lavender is an attractive choice. You can even purchase a lavender sachet bag. Lavender can last for years, but it should be replaced yearly. The stems will yellow slightly, but the buds will remain fresh.
In this article, we have explained the Top Online Lavender Arrangements:
English Lavender – Flowers
The fragrant flowers of English lavender are the perfect choice for any floral arrangement. This small plant grows two feet high and three feet wide. Its flowers are purple and are topped with white bracts. The fragrant flowers and foliage give this variety a unique look and use in many flower arrangements. English lavenders are commonly used as potpourri and make great garden plants. In addition, they are versatile enough to use in borders, low hedges, and mass plantings.
The sweet scent of English lavender will make any room in the house more relaxing. Its long stems hold clusters of lavender flowers in deep purple colors. The flowers will last longer if they deadhead. English lavender is also popular for crafts, cooking, and dried flower arrangements. The deep purple blooms hold their color better than white or pink flowers. A vase or basket with an English lavender arrangement will make any room look charming. This plant is cold and hardy but will need a sheltered location and protection from the elements.
English lavender grows naturally in mountainous regions in France. It cannot be easy to grow in North Carolina, however. It needs dry soil that is free from clay. A good way to improve its growing conditions is to make homemade compost, which will act as an organic mulch and help keep weeds at bay. It also helps to keep the soil temperature consistent, which is important for the plant’s health. If you want to grow English lavender in a pot, you’ll need to make sure it has an adequate supply of moisture.
French Hybrids
When shopping for a lavender bouquet online, it’s important to note that French hybrids are not all created equal. French lavender is generally larger than its English counterpart and can become woody if not pruned regularly. Still, these plants are important to the perfume industry in Grasse, France, due to their high camphor content. If you want a fragrant bouquet, grow ‘Grappenhall’ or ‘Heavenly Scent,’ two hardy varieties that are also good choices.
English Lavender – Flowers
These flower varieties are known for their small, fragrant flowers and blooms at the start of June. English lavender is the most compact of all the French hybrids, growing to about 16 inches tall. While English lavender is smaller than French hybrids, it has a long flower stem, making it a great choice for bouquets. French lavender varieties have several distinct characteristics, including color and form. For example, ‘Pastors Pride’ produces medium-lilac flowers on tall stems that are ideal for bouquets. French hybrids are well-suit to warm climates, as they bloom at the start of June.
Choose Hardy Varieties
When choosing lavender for flower delivery, make sure you choose hardy varieties that are cold-hardy. French lavenders overwinter in zones three and four, so they’re ideal for use in the greenhouse. They can also use for landscaping or cooking. In addition to lavender’s fragrance, it’s also an excellent pollinator plant, and connoisseurs highly prize the honey it produces.
Wrapping Up – Flowers
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