10 sites and applications to find a “sugar daddy”

It is common to read or listen to new social forms of coexistence, some fully accepted and others not. In this case, we will discuss the sugar daddy (or sugar mommy ) relationship with a sugar baby. A sugar daddy/mommy is a person who offers gifts, money, and trips, among other things, to a much younger person than the sugar baby in exchange for a relationship. However, this relationship where the sugar baby receives money or goods can lead to problems before the Tax Administration Service (SAT). Natural persons, without any distinction, are obliged to pay Income Tax (ISR), concerning all the income they receive, regardless of the source of obtaining it (remember article 1 of the Income Tax Law). Rent). It is important to mention that this income can be received in cash, in goods, services, etc. Suppose a sugar baby receives a certain amount of monthly money from his/her sugar daddy/mommy via cash or bank transfer. This action has no complications, but, under the reasoning that all income received is subject to Income Tax (ISR), it is important to analyze the fiscal scope. In the first place, the legal context of the operation must be analyzed independently of the social assessment. The sugar baby is receiving cash income, something susceptible to ISR. From a critical perspective, these revenues could have different treatments, being the provision of services, donations, etc. Regarding the provision of services, and without going into social details, it would be that the sugar baby provides support services, talks, and dinners, to name a few. If this were a regular practice of that person, it would be a provision of services with obligations to pay Income Tax. Another legal way of dealing with this income is related to donations. According to article 2332 of the Federal Civil Code, donation is a contract by which a person transfers to another, free of charge, part or all of their present assets. Considering that the sugar daddy or sugar mommy gives gifts to their sugar baby in cash or in goods, it could be a donation that for legal purposes, would have to be covered by a contract in a public deed. From this point of view, we will analyze the effects of the two parts. Regarding the sugar baby, the SAT, within its review powers ,could question the origin of the income. If it were a donation, it must be noted that, for tax purposes, it is exempt for the equivalent of three times the value of the unit of measurement and updating (UMA) raised per year, this is an equivalent of 98 thousand pesos. for 2021. Also learn how to find sugar daddy on Twitter. That's the way it is. Suppose a sugar baby receives donations in the year for the amount of 500 thousand pesos in cash or goods. In that case, only 98 thousand pesos would be exempt, and 402 thousand pesos would be taxed, so that person would have to pay the corresponding Tax. It should not be forgotten that, for this tax treatment, it must be considered a donation, not a simulation. As far as the sugar daddy or sugar mommy is concerned, the problem consists of identifying and proving the origin of the resources with which the donation to the sugar baby is mad. This action consists in the fact that the money or goods that are the object of the donation have paid the corresponding taxes. It should not be forgotten that these economic operations are carried out between adults since otherwise, there could be other types of consequences in the legal field. Although it is true that from the social point of view, a sugar relationship is questioned due to its characteristics and implications, we must not lose sight of the issue that concerns us today: the fiscal scope for each party involved.

Imagine that you are in a clothing store and suddenly you see a couple: an older man and a young woman. He is maybe 20 or 30 years older than her and he buys her everything he wants. At first you might think that she is her daughter and that he went with her to buy clothes, until you see them kiss… Most likely, she is her sugar daddy.

A sugar daddy is a man between 45 and 60 years of age who offers women under 30 financial compensation in exchange for their company, a stable relationship or a sexual encounter. These relationships between young people and wealthy adults who reach agreements to satisfy their different needs, are increasingly common. It is a win-win relationship.

Due to the boom that these relationships have had, pages and applications began to be created that make it easier for you to find a partner. For some it is something unthinkable, something they would never do, but for others, it is fun and they feel good doing it.

If you are one of those who wants to try this experience, at De10.mx we have compiled 5 Internet pages and 5 apps that you can download to try your luck in this world of sugar daddies and sugar babies … take note!

See also Is 30 Too Old to Be a Sugar Baby?

5 apps to find Sugar Daddy

  1. Sudy

It has millions of users in the world and allows you to get a Sugar Daddy. It was only available in the United States, but now it is in Mexico. It has the same style as the Tinder interface, allowing the user to swipe left or right to “Pass” or “Like”. Of course, this app is paid.

  1. Seeking

There is only the Android app, but here millions of Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommas are looking for attractive and young babies to have a good time with. Charge a monthly fee to app users.

  1. Sugar Daddy Meet & Dating Arrangement App

It is one of the most popular apps for a relationship with mutual benefits. It stands out that in this application you will find rich and successful men and the most beautiful women,

  1. Suga Daddy

This is another option if what you are looking for is a Sugar Daddy, because in addition to the app, it also has a website and an interface similar to Tinder. What many do not like is that they must pay a membership.

  1. Sugar Daddy Dating – Noble Luxy Dating

They promote themselves as a place where the elite and the beautiful can meet, as a bridge between CEO’s and entrepreneurs to supermodels and socialites. A luxury app in which you obviously have to pay a monthly fee.

5 websites of to find Sugar Daddy

  1. SugarDaddySeek

If you are looking for Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mommy, this is one of the easiest platforms to try it out. If you register you will have to fill out a form with basic information, such as your gender and what type of partner you are looking for, in order to create a profile. Sugar Daddy Seek is free but offers you great privacy. It also has a Premium version.

  1. SugarDaters

This page connects people with a similar point of view regarding dating for an experience on their own terms. This page is also one of the most famous in Europe and they assure you that you will find your ideal Sugar Daddy.

  1. My Sugar Daddy

This page has great coverage in different parts of Europe, but now it already operates in Mexico. According to the description on its page, My Sugar Daddy “is a community where old school gentlemen (Sugar Daddy) and beautiful women (Sugar Babe) meet” and they ensure that you are likely to find someone who likes you. offer a very attractive lifestyle.

  1. Seeking Arrangement

On this page they assure you that you will find beautiful and successful people with whom you can maintain a beneficial relationship, but above all, honest. Both Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies or Mommas get what they want, when they want it”, they point out on their online portal.

  1. Sugar Daddy Mexico

On this page they highlight that many women in search of masculinity and manhood, of a mature man who has lived life and who knows how to make them feel in a lasting way. Do you dare?