The Value of Solar Proposal Software

Solar Proposal Software

Solar energy is truly a gift in every sense of the word. It’s a freely available, renewable source that we harness to produce heat or electricity applicable in many areas. And it comes with many benefits: no water pollution, no greenhouse gasses, no noise – all these factors make solar energy more environmentally friendly than other sources. Thanks to the information age, people are aware of its incredible potential and use it for residential and industrial purposes.- Solar Proposal Software

Apart from spreading a wealth of information worldwide, IT technology allows companies to use specialized software to give their customers the best visual representation of what solar systems can do. Selling the idea to a potential client is the most crucial part of the deal anyway: the actual installation is a simple routine for skilled professionals. Companies used to do it the old-fashioned way, creating layouts manually and explaining everything step-by-step. Now, all information is packed in a single piece of automated software. Click here for more details.

A Whole New Approach- Solar Proposal Software

Solar and engineering companies must first create a proposal for the customer to get them interested. Sure, there are clients who call first and request solar panels for their homes, but others need a little push to realize the tremendous advantages of solar energy. Once they grasp the idea, there are plenty of opportunities for collaboration: solar panels, solar air conditioning, solar chargers, street lights, and traffic lights – the list can only increase in the future. 

Before starting any operations, designers have to get acquainted with the area. And as we said, manual assessment definitely belongs to the past. Suppliers needed to photograph the locations and measure everything by hand, and they often made mistakes as a result of human error. So, the chief purpose of this specialized software is to eliminate the possibility of such errors and give a fully-automated solar proposal. And rest assured that the clients will appreciate how simple and effective this solution is.

Things to Consider- Solar Proposal Software


Companies should pay attention to a few crucial elements when constructing their offers. The ultimate goal should always be a clear and transparent presentation of their services, so the client will know what to expect. Solar installations need to be done right the first time, so let’s see what challenges solar designers face when making a proposal.

Obviously, they need to assess the work area. For instance, properties that receive plenty of sunshine are way more favorable than a more secluded location, where designers might have to remove obstacles such as tall trees or foliage that hide the sun. Besides ensuring that the property is getting enough sun, they need to scrutinize it to determine the type and number of solar panels. Companies typically use three types: polycrystalline, monocrystalline, and thin film panels. The first two kinds are generally more costly but also more efficient. Visit  for more. 

Proposal software allows designers to calculate all these variables in one place. Having such a clear overview of the project will enable them to finish construction faster and keep clients informed at all stages. Nowadays, people have way more insight into technical details than before, so they can’t be easily fooled. And with a professional and detailed proposal, there’s no room for misunderstandings. 

Versatility is Key


Suppliers need to offer different designs and solutions to be taken seriously. Modern power systems are more varied than ever, with on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid constructions. Clients can then choose their type depending on their electricity demands, similar to how consumers in Texas are given the power to choose fort worth energy suppliers based on what they need. They need to know what all these types have in common: they offer a renewable, cost-reducing energy source that will make life easier. It’s good to include stats in the proposal showing how much a typical family saves on bills over one year.

Next, you need to establish a proper relationship with the customer. Solar companies shouldn’t be overbearing when explaining the advantages of solar energy – people already know that. A run-of-the-mill proposal full of green preaching probably won’t arouse their interest. People are primarily interested in savings, so a proposal needs to emphasize how solar energy can replace electricity and save a lot of money in the long run. Also, they should explain about return on investment works. 

Aside from installations and designs, it’s always good to offer different financing options suitable for all clients. Someone might prefer cash payment, while others are more comfortable with leasing. A proposal has to contain all finance-related information stated as clearly as possible. Anything less will make client scratch their heads in confusion and doubt, so they’ll seek another provider.

On a side note, it always helps to provide a list of your financial partners, such as banks, lenders, etc. Keeping finances shrouded can only create mistrust: people want to see who you work with so they’ll feel more secure about the whole arrangement.

Customer Care

There are a few more things you can do to make clients happy. Going solar usually means using subsidies that can reduce costs, whether as rebates, tax credits, metering, etc. Including a detailed analysis in the proposal will surely help you scale your solar business and boost your sales immediately. However, the rules about green incentives vary from state to state, so a customer needs to check regulations in their particular state before taking any action. 

Next, they might request a precise timeline and overview of the project. Fortunately, proposal software makes this incredibly easy. Solar providers can map out the operation from start to finish, with milestones for each completed activity. Providing a list of all the hardware that goes into the installation is another huge plus. That way, clients can see you’re working with high-quality and trustworthy brands. Of course, it’s important not to overpromise or make unreasonable deadlines. The idea is to have clear goals with minimal guesswork. 

To sum up, there’s hardly a better way of presenting your company’s offer than using proposal software. It saves time and effort by replacing all the outdated manual work and gives an all-encompassing overview of your solar proposal.