Windows 10 Pro Activator CMD

Windows 10 Pro Activator CMD

For ordinary people, the release of a new version of Windows is at least curious news. Even they are interested to know what Microsoft has come up with this time. In turn, for computer enthusiasts, a large-scale update of the “operating system” is quite akin to an actual holiday. I was once in the ranks of such enthusiasts. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about windows 10 pro activator cmd.

The new system has always been an intrigue for me, something magical to a certain extent. I remember that I even turned out to be one of the few who sincerely defended Windows Vista when the entire Internet community took up arms against it.

Alas, those days are over. The turning point in my mind happened with the advent of Windows 8. This version turned the usual OS upside down. Immediately there were people who, with the zeal of true adepts, began to praise these transformations. But, in the conditional camp of Windows defenders, I felt cramped with them, and I left.

Windows 10 is coming out now. It would seem that there should be a holiday on my street. Microsoft is no longer trying to make a tablet out of a PC. Only the holiday somehow does not work out. I’ve been working with the system for months, from the early alpha builds last fall to the pre-final July builds. In this windows 10 pro activator cd review, everything I want to tell you about is.

Windows 10 pro activator cmd: Start Menu

As you remember, the story of the Start menu began after someone’s ingenious mind dawned on the idea of ​​removing it from Windows 8, replacing it with a vast full-screen pandora that. When opened, it overlapped everything else. A year has passed, and in Windows 8.1, the corporation responds to criticism, condescended to return to its original place, the “Start” button, leading. However, to the same full-screen view.

See also >> Windows 8.1 Overview: Beyond Common Sense.

Windows 10 Pro Activator CMD

Then 2014 came. At the Build conference, we heard that the compact menu, which MS adepts have been diligently throwing mud at all these years, was a good decision, and we should return it.

At the same Build, a ready-made version of the new menu was shown. It combines the classic “Start” from Windows 7 and the shortcut tiles from the “eight.” And the epic that had been pretty boring to everyone could finally be finished. Unfortunately, no.

For more than a year, we had to watch Microsoft with manic meticulousness rewrite the menu itself several times. Redraw each icon, change the arrangement of elements, make changes to descriptions, delete something, add. These innovations went ahead of everyone else.

Windows 10 pro activator cmd: Virtual desktops

Unlike “Start” with virtual desktops, not everything is so sad. This is genuinely a new feature that was not yet available in previous versions of Windows. But, of course, that’s just a new one for Windows. OS X has had this feature since 2007. When similar functionality appeared in Linux, I don’t remember exactly. I think it was a decade and a half ago.

Microsoft did not consider it necessary to offer at least something from itself into a function proposed by competitors so long ago. Therefore, the functionality of desktops is relatively standard. You have the opportunity to send open windows to virtual desktops. So that they do not interfere and do not distract from your current tasks. As a result, each desktop will contain its own set of windows. For example, on one, you can leave everything for work, on the other for entertainment, and so on. You will always see the same icons and taskbar. Only the set of windows will be different. There is no particular limit on the number of such desktops.

If we talk about a personal impression, sometimes I open up to several dozen windows simultaneously. But somehow, I didn’t have much desire to work with the functionality of virtual desktops. All my attempts to sort tasks by different desktops in windows 10 pro activator cmdlet to the fact. That I ended up spending even more time than usual looking for the right window. And not only is the idea itself not so important, but Microsoft has also implemented it frankly weakly. The corporation chose to rather clumsily copy the version of visual switching between desktops from OS X:

Windows 10 pro activator cmd: Microsoft Edge

Windows 10 Pro Activator CMD

Over the past years, it has seemed like Microsoft has forgotten that it has such a thing as a browser. Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8 and IE 11 in 8.1 didn’t bring any external changes. During this time, the lion’s share of users finally switched to Chrome and Firefox, leaving the once-dominant “donkey” a measly 15% of the market (links to NetApplications reports. Where IE still rules the world, and Roosevelt – America, please do not cite).

And here, who headed the Internet Explorer development team, Dean Khachamovich first leaves for a new position. And then wholly leaves the corporation. Then, a month later, Microsoft announces the Spartan project – a new browser for Windows 10, which eventually takes on the final name Edge.

In practice, we have Chrome # 2, only with even fewer options than Google’s web viewer was at the start in 2008. Suppose Chrome brought the fashion for a compact interface to the world of browsers, for the first time combining, for example, a title bar and a tab bar. In that case, Edge stands out only with noticeably more cumbersome toolbars than other web browsers.

Almost all of the Edge’s few features come from competitors in one way or another. These are the tabs above in the title bar, sound indicators on tabs, reading mode and a reading list a la Apple Safari, previews that appear when you hover over a tab, in the style of classic Opera and Vivaldi (they were actively shown in-browser ads, but by the final assembly of the W10 did not manage to be in time). As a result, steal from everyone a little bit – here’s the recipe for a new browser.

Windows 10 pro activator cmd

By the way, I, who wrote reviews on IE7, 8, 9, etc., have a question: what will happen to the unique features of IE. And we are talking about really original and not the most useless features. The so-called accelerators, web fragments, a color grouping of tabs, integration of sites with the Windows taskbar, and visual search.

With the help of the same accelerators, it was possible to get an excellent contextual translator. And web fragments got rid of unnecessary running around in tabs. As a result, Edge, instead of development, sends the best original ideas implemented in the interface of Internet Explorer to the landfill. And as innovations solemnly present what competitors cannot remember when they appeared.

Having carefully studied Edge and all its capabilities, I did not understand what Microsoft was counting on, to be honest. With such joy, a user should leave his Firefox / Chrome / Opera and exchange it for this “fundamentally new” browser.

Finally, a few words about the appearance. I understand that making visually attractive interfaces is not in vogue these days. They say today you need minimalism, an emphasis on content, and all that. Still, the Edge user interface takes new depths that Microsoft has not yet descended in terms of dullness and dullness.

Two control panels

Windows 8 was created just like Noah’s Ark, stuffing only two pieces into it: two calculators, two recording programs, two video players, two photo viewers, and so on. One copy was for touch mode, the other for traditional mouse control. The second control panel also appeared there for the first time. She borrowed some of the options from the old panel and offered others for the first time.

In Windows 10, Microsoft realized that two control panels were not the case and … started creating a third. The most annoying thing is that Microsoft did not manage to transfer all the settings to the new panel. So a ton of options and several system applets are still in the classic panel. But in the new one, there are many parameters and whole sections, which are not in the classic panel. As a result, you will have to run between the two panels for sure. I ran into this as soon as the need arose to set up my account.

In the system itself, one part of the links leads to the new control panel, the other part to the old one (add and remove programs). In addition, in some places, it has become even elementary less convenient. For example, to change the screen resolution (link from the desktop context menu), you always have to go to the subsection of new settings. However, this unnecessary action was not in the classic panel.

DirectX 12

Windows 10 Pro Activator CMD

According to the people who voted on our site to choose the essential new windows 10 pro activator cmd, the next DirectX is the highlight for which they are waiting for the top ten. According to Microsoft’s plan, this result is not surprising since the next version of the graphics API should once again become the locomotive for promoting the new version of Windows. Accordingly, everything related to DirectX 12 was distinguished by the most aggressive PR shade among any other information about windows 10 pro activator cmd.

Numerous news headlines have made headlines about dramatic performance gains of 150%, 200%, and as much as 400%:

“Well, what’s this: my old bucket, which slows down when rendering the animation of maps in the kerchief, will give 100 FPS tomorrow in some Battlefield 4 at high settings?” The most inexperienced thought with amazement.

“Yes, even if there is no 400%, it will be 50 percent for sure” – the citizens, more shabby by the experience of past years and promises, confidently counted.

“Hey! Well, the corporation and its partners cannot lie so openly! ” – will object to me in the comments.

First, of course, they can. If during the promotion of DirectX 10 you were not interested in the topic, you did not have a computer, or you still walked under the table 10 years ago, here is a short history:

Windows 10 pro activator cmd: Cortana

Another feature of Windows 10, from which technological magic blows to the commoner in the street, is the voice assistant Cortana. It seems like a whole artificial intelligence that has settled in your operating system.

When rumors circulated about the appearance of Cortana, I was pretty enthusiastic. For some reason, it seemed to me that Microsoft would take the idea of ​​voice assistants to the next level. First, they would re-create the accurate Cortana from Halo. Then the wow effect would be guaranteed.

But no, instead, in the spring of 2014, an animated donut is rolled out with fanfare, which wildly resembles Siri in functionality, only from Microsoft, with the name Cortana and two and a half years later. You will not get either one or the other in the Russian version.

In addition to the apparent attraction of users with an imaginary wow effect, for Microsoft to build a field for local and, most importantly, global search in the taskbar is the last chance to transfer at least a few people to your Bing. This summer, the share of search engines in which MS has invested billions of dollars in investment fell below 3%.

Updated, new, and removed apps

Windows 10 is ready to offer a new interface for the calendar, alarms, mail app, sound recorder, photo viewer, camera, maps, calculator, audio/video players, and Windows Store. All of the above are programs that used to be called “metro,” “modern,” “universal applications,” etc. Now Microsoft has introduced for them some already fourth name, having managed to confuse even devoted adherents.

These programs appeared in Windows 8 and then worked exclusively in full-screen mode. They were focused on touch control, but the corporation saw nothing wrong with offering them to the desktop user. By the top ten, Microsoft realized that the full-screen calculator on a Full HD monitor looked a little out of place and therefore allowed it’s Metro / Modern (or whatever they are today?) Applications to run as regular windows.

The full-screen past still affects these programs: windows can be comfortably scaled only to specific sizes. The endless fuss around these seemingly precious programs for the corporation. Their eternal redrawing and sawing has become one of the critical leitmotifs of the last seven to eight months of Windows 10 development.

This is a purely subjective opinion, but I do not understand why I need all this arsenal. I don’t set myself an alarm clock on my desktop computer. I don’t need to use their mail. Because 10 years ago I got myself an account in another service, I don’t need maps out of date with us, and I will not use Microsoft players. Because they do not reproduce the formats, I need.

Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.