100% Free Password Manager to Securely Save and Log-in all Accounts

100% Free Password Manager

DualSafe Password Manager is a free password manager that protects online account information and helps in quick logins. DualSafe enables password management with a high degree of security by using AES-256, the industry’s strongest encryption standard, and built-in security features. Support for several web browsers, automatic password fill-in, and cross-platform sync all add to the simplicity of internet browsing.- 100% Free Password Manager

How to Use DualSafe Password manager

There are different features of DualSafe, and all are use in different ways.

Auto Generate Password

DualSafe will also help users generate strong and unique passwords through its password generator tool. Making a new account on any website will give suggestions on how lengthy your password should be and which type of character you must include in your password. You will get the generated password with just one click.

Check Password Health

By DualSafe, you can check the health of your password online. Password Health Checker will ensure your passwords’ security by scanning for weak, repeated, or compromised passwords and alerting you to the need to update them.

Alert Harmful Website

You can add your website to DualSafe password manager. DualSafe will check to see if the website you added has any data leaks. If there are any, it will advise you to change the relevant information.

anti virus

Manage Password- 100% Free Password Manager

When you store passwords in DualSafe password manager, it makes sure to manage all the passwords you have added in an organized way. 

Leaked Password

DualSafe will check for any leaked passwords in the database and remind users to change them to avoid cyber attacks. It will always protect the password that is available in its database.

Weak Password

DualSafe will notify the user that the password you are entering is very simple or weak. It will also give suggestions to users about strong and complex passwords.

Repeated Password

If you have used the same password on more than one website, DualSafe will notify you that your password is used at multiple sites and urges you to pick a new password.


Auto Fill Login Details

DualSave gives you the freedom to auto-fill login details at any website. You can save any information you want. Like you can save banking details, shopping addresses, Academic details etc. All the details will be autofill with one click. It gives you the freedom to put all the login details and passwords. You can add login details with just one click on Auto-Fill, and all the information fills automatically and securely.

Password Health Check

You can check the password health with the help of DualSafe. It can tell you about your password’s health online and notify you to change or update your password if a long time passes. Passwords must be changed within or after three months. Many password managers recommend it.


A Free password manager can help you save time, brain energy and troubles of forgetting the passwords.