6 Best & Free Ways to Convert PNG to PDF

Convert PNG to PDF

Yes, PNG to PDF document conversion is no longer an issue since there is innumerable PNG to PDF converters available to proceed. Regardless of the OS (Operating Systems) used, there are a bunch of mediums available to process conversions. Maybe you’re stuck via choice overload due to a large amount of PNG file to PDF converters around the market.


Well, don’t fret more as we narrow down the range choice and identify a few possible ways that let you save PNG as PDF file format within no time.


Did-You Know!

When it comes to file sharing or distribution, converting a PNG photos to a PDF makes sense. No doubt that such conversions ensures that the converted image resolution is retained while keeping the quality high and even the PDF document is relatively printing-friendly file type. You can verify it quickly by visiting theonlineconverter.com which is loaded with the best PNG to PDF converter free which lets you convert each PNG image as a separate PDF or even lets you combine multiple files into a single PDF within no time. Even it supports quality preservation features while turning PNG into PDF online.


How to Convert PNG to PDF on Windows?

You can visit theonlineconverter source that is packed with comprehensive PDF conversion tool including online PNG to PDF converter. Just couple of of hits and its powerful capabilities lets you export PNG as PDF online within matter of seconds. Besides that, it loaded with the ability to annotate, edit, sign, and even convert PDF file formats.


When it comes to its stunning features, theonlineconverter can process batch files conversions for different file formats for free of cost. Even the most appealing parameter about this web-based PNG file to PDF converter is that it lets you turn PNG into PDF document format on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, and certain other sources. (Valium) All you need is a modern web browser and navigating to the official site to fetch the best and free converters to process file conversions according to your preference.


Step 1:

  • Add PNG files into the tool section that you wish to convert into Adobe PDF format


Step 2:

  • Before hitting the Convert button, you have to choice for option either you need to convert each PNG as a separate PDF or merge all in a one PDF


Step 3:

  • Now, press the individual “Download” button to save converted files one-by-one or simple hit Download Zip to save all at once


How to Convert PNG to PDF on Photoshop?

Although Adobe Photoshop is a well-known graphics editor that developed and published by Adobe Systems, still it works as best professional PNG to PDF converter. You can find that Photoshop software is loaded with some advanced settings, some of them might be beyond your knowledge, and exporting PNG as PDF is one of them. Let’s find the steps that are considered to convert PNG to PDF with the assistance of Adobe Photoshop:


Step 1:

  • At first, you have to start the software and add a PNG image file to the interface


Step 2:

  • Very next, you have to simply navigate to the File tab and choose the Save As option. In this Save As window, all you require to select Photosho PDF from the drop-down list of format, then hit the Save button


Step 3:

  • Now, in the given Save Adobe PDF dialog box, you ought to choose the High Quality Print (Modified) option in the Adobe PDF Preset


Step 4:

  • Finally, you ought to hit the Save PDF button to finalize the PNG to PDF conversion



How to Convert PNG to PDF using Microsoft Print to PDF?

Yes, Microsoft Print to PDF indicated as an inbuilt virtual Printer that existing on Windows OS. This allow you to make a PDF document file from different other file types without installing any additionally software. In simple terms it works as free PNG to PDF converter to process such conversions without any huge manual intervention. Just couple of steps involves to print a PNG as a PDF, let’s find how:


Step 1:

  • Initially, you have to locate the PNG raster file in your local folder, then make a right click on the photo and choose Print option


Step 2:

  • Now, you ought to simply change the Printer to Microsoft Print to PDF


Step 3:

  • Very next, you should have to ensure that all the given printing settings including “layout, page size, and quality” are accurate. Once you have done with all, make an instant hit on the Print button to save PNG as PDF file format


Step 4:

  • At last, you simply need to rename the newly converted printed PDF, then make a click on the Save button


How to Convert PNG to PDF on Mac?

Same as Windows, macOS also loaded with a default image viewer: Preview, which also proceed as a free PNG to PDF converter to export PNG as PDF. The most apparent reason to discussing this program is that it lets you transform image files to different other formats such as PDF, JPG/JPEG, PNG, HEIC, and BMP. Just stick with these below-mentioned steps to turn PNG into PDF on mac:



Step 1:

  • At first, you need to open a PNG in Preview program


Step 2:

  • Now, you need to choose File > Export as PDF file


Step 3:

  • Right after typing the name and selecting the output destination, you ought o choose Save to convert this PNG file to PDF format easily

How to Convert PNG to PDF online?

If you are tired of downloading additional software or even don’t want to stuck on the daunting steps that mostly indulges while converting PNG images into PDF, then don’t to worry more. Get hands on the given online PNG to PDF converter sources to make instant conversions. Let’s find!



Step 1:

  • On the given address bar, you have to enter the URL


Step 2:

  • Choose the JPG to PDF from the tab of Convert PDF. Hit the choose JPG images that allow you to add any PNG to the workstation. Optionally, one can easily upload files via Google Drive or Dropbox


Step 3:

  • Now, you can choose the page margin, orientation, and page size if required. If you want to proceed with batch conversion, make a tick on the box that lets you merge all images into a single PDF file. Once ready, you ought to make a click on the Convert to PDF button to save PNG as PDF

Google Drive:

Step 1:

  • You simply have to Log in to Google Drive using your Google account


Step 2:

  • Make a double-click on the PNG that you want to transform. Once the preview shows, make a hit on the Print option that is provided on the top right corner


Step 3:

  • In the given Print windows, Drive allow you to swiftly adjust the layout, margins, scale, pages per sheet, page size, and even page range for printing concerns. Once all set, you ought to hit the Save button that quickly export PNG as PDF in Google Drive

How to Convert PNG to PDF on Mobile?

We covers two different ways such as how to export PNG as PDF on iPhone and Android, respectively:

Turn PNG into PDF on iPhone:


Step 1:

  • First of all, you ought to choose a PNG(s) in Photos. Then, choose the Share button that is on the left bottom


Step 2:

  • Then, you need to choose Print option. Once the Print Options windows appear, you simply require to proceed with a zoom-in gesture over the preview of the PNG image(s)


Step 3:

  • Right after that, you have to make a tap on the Share button again. Now, you can easily save this photo as a PDF or share it anywhere you want


If you want to process conversions for more than one PNG photo, then the Photo’s program will lets you store them in a single PDF document format.

Turn PNG into PDF on Android:


Step 1:

  • At first, you need to choose PNG photo in your Pictures folder


Step 2:

  • Make a click on the “three-dot” and choose the Print option


Step 3:

  • Now, you have to make sure that the printing settings such as “copies, page size, color, and orientation” are right, then just save this PNG as PDF in the desired location by clicking on the Save button

Let’s Wind Up:

PNG to PDF files transformation is not difficult as ever expected since we have listed few best-proven way to do so. Hope so this post will assists you in effortlessly export PNG as PDF document format. Choose one that is easy to navigate and fits your needs. Good Luck!