Let us guess: you have to write an essay, and most likely, you are running out of time. You are sitting in front of the computer, staring at the blank page. The Muse seems to ignore you, and you realize you have writer’s block. In fact, many people experience it for a variety of reasons, from procrastination to underestimating their skills and talents. – Blank Page Syndrome
Fortunately, there are many ways to overcome blank page syndrome. After all, it’s about getting out of your comfort zone. The methods that we have collected have been tested by both world-famous authors and modern students. Try them, and we are sure that your text will flow from you like a wonderful fountain of abundance.
1. Talk To An Imaginary Friend
Imagine that you have a friend who is a real fan of your work. They love all your essays and support you in any endeavors. They are sincerely interested in your opinion. So, tell your fictional acquaintance what you think about the given topic, what worries you, and how you feel about this specific subject.
After you speak out your thoughts, transfer what was said to the paper. And you will surely succeed if your brain is free from worries and anxiety. You definitely have a few papers to hand in in the near future, right? Luckily, you can always rely on EssayPro, a student help platform known for its high quality. With an experienced specialist by your side, you will be able to manage everything and be fully satisfied with your academic performance.
2. Unleash Your Emotions
Does the essay’s topic evoke many feelings, including negative ones? That’s good. A brilliant essay should have a clear message and be an explicit reflection of your position. Use the freewriting technique, and feel free to use strong language if you wish.
At this stage, don’t analyze anything – just write. Once you spill out everything that is inside you, make a pause. Surely, you’ll work a lot on perfecting your first draft, but the main thing is that you go beyond your limits, and you will already have a base for the essay.
3. Change Your Text Editor
This tip may sound ridiculous, but your task is to literally wake the inspiration inside you, right? Then, changes are inevitable, at least little ones. Instead of the familiar Microsoft Word, start using Evernote. Or create a new post in your CSS and write right there.
Try changing the font (turn to something vintage and elegant instead of traditional Calibri or Times New Roman) and its color (black to purple or dark green). These slight changes may help you shift your perspective and take a fresh look at the task.
4. Think Less About Your Reader- Blank Page Syndrome
Many of us focus on what the teacher will think about our essay. But this seriously limits you. Concentrate more on something you’re interested in instead of adapting to the teacher’s expectations. As a result, your words will sound honest, and the educator will hardly ignore how open-minded you are.
Kurt Vonnegut once shared his basics for creative writing: “Write to please just one person.” Imagine that you are working on a letter to someone you trust. Eventually, the work will be finished much faster.
5. Don’t Stick To The Plan
Everyone knows that the first thing one should do before getting started is to come up with an excellent plan. But if you are sticking to it and this doesn’t lead to anything good, then why still follow it?
If you feel like you are stuck, put the plan aside. Write the first thing that comes to mind. Who knows, maybe your crazy spontaneous idea will become a thesis for a great paper?
6. Go Off the Usual Schedule
You have probably heard that Stephen King follows a strict schedule, as do Haruki Murakami and many others. A clear set mode is usually beneficial for creativity. But what if it doesn’t work for you? Then, experiment.
For example, if you’re used to writing late at night, change your approach. Begin your work in the morning, listening to the birds singing outside and the noise of the city waking up.
7. Take a Short Trip
Are home and library your typical workplaces? You should certainly take a stroll in a cozy coffee shop! Many authors wrote their masterpieces in cafes; take Ernest Hemingway, for example, who lived in Paris and managed to focus only there. And JK Rowling finished “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in a cafe on the grounds of the University of Edinburgh.
The sounds of a coffee machine, an unobtrusive radio, snippets of conversations – all these can activate your imagination and encourage you greatly.
8. Switch To Something Else
Have you ever had such a moment when you couldn’t remember the movie title, but once you got distracted, you quickly recalled it? Our brain is designed in such a way that it is easier for it to answer only when it’s relaxed. Focusing on the problem doesn’t work.
Take a shower, wash the dishes, and tidy up your room. Do research on whatever matters to you now, whether it’s becoming a designer, Mercury Retrograde, or vegan desserts. Your main goal is to unwind your nervous system and recharge the batteries, and then the ideas themselves will pour into your head.
9. Start In The Middle
Any talented writer will admit that an outstanding introduction is simply necessary to interest the reader and set the right mood. It must be intriguing! And if your intro comes out weak, don’t worry. Start writing an essay body, and finish the introduction later.
10. Reread Your Favorite Papers
If you are feeling overwhelmed and gradually losing your confidence, here’s what you should do. Instead of beating yourself up, remember your best essays. Were they about Shakespeare’s contribution to literature, a film review, or how Disney transformed the movie sphere? Find them and study them carefully. Do you like what you wrote? Well, your skills and abilities are still there; you just need to free this innovative energy within you.
11. Get Encouraged By Someone Else’s Ideas
The obsession with creating something 100 percent authentic and unique is also a cause of writer’s block. In fact, all creativity is based on the fact that we borrow ideas from each other, adding something of our own. So, look through different materials, and gather the information that coincides with your position. As Austin Kleon, author of “Steal Like an Artist,” said: “No idea is original, and all creators and their output are a sum of inspirations and heroes.”
To Wrap It Up
Blank Page Syndrome is a curse not only for students but also for experienced journalists and copywriters. Every author knows what it feels like when the lines don’t add up in their head. It’s utterly terrifying when you can’t write anything for many hours and therefore endlessly procrastinate. An inner voice whispers: “I must write like a genius or don’t write at all.”
But there is always a way out, and you can quickly fight your inner critic with our recommendations. Try the tips we have outlined to get out of the dead-end and let the inspiration flow freely!