Online Classrooms

Online Classrooms

A virtual space that is not only an imitation of the traditional classrooms but better in creative terms, is what an online classroom is. The concept of an online classroom might have seemed very unreal and out of this world a few years ago. But ever since the deadly virus became part of our daily life, these classes seem like the way forward. 

At the onset of the pandemic and worldwide lockdowns, the concept of an online classroom was not very known to both students and teachers. In fact, online schools and colleges began with teachers only being able to communicate via email and sending assignments and receiving back those assignments from students. This was a tiresome task for students as well as teachers. Students had to copy notes from PDFs and then scan their written assignments, while teachers received multiple emails and had a difficult time managing the assessment. With time, classes got a little more interactive by using online video meeting apps. This method seemed a little better as students and teachers could interact in real-time, discuss questions and their solutions and conduct reading sessions. There were still a few drawbacks and shortcomings in the system. Often students were inactive as they turned their cameras and mics off, teachers couldn’t find a way to set up their cameras and teach on blackboards. Many teachers even faced issues with not having a board for explaining concepts. 

Things improved with the introduction of newer features like being able to mark attendance, sharing screens and more. But the best method for online teaching has been classroom applications. These applications have various features that make online teaching easier and more valuable. 

Using the online classes app, a teacher can create an environment like a traditional classroom. Teachers can create a portal for different subjects, add the different subject teachers and all their students in one place. Various features of online classrooms make them great learning options. These online classes apps have been beneficial for all and also provided students and teachers the flexibility and accessibility for better results. 

Discipline is one of the first and most important lessons taught in schools. With online learning, basic life lessons and virtues seem difficult to teach. But online classes apps have features like raising hands before answering, seeking permission before entering a meeting, being on time, submitting assignments within deadlines and more. Teachers can schedule assignments with deadlines. Students must be punctual enough for submitting these as the apps allow the teachers to keep a check on the defaulters as well. Online classrooms and apps meant for online classes have features like virtual blackboards that allow teachers to discuss concepts with the entire batch like traditional classrooms.

Using the Online classes app, teachers can conduct real-time exams virtually and also conduct regular quizzes and tests to keep a check on the students’ progress. Using the features for sharing videos and other media, the teachers can make their lessons more interesting and help the students focus better for improved results. Students can easily share course-related material that they might have found, with each other and learn along with each other. 

Online classes apps also provide the option of sharing e-books with students and giving them unlimited access to a wide number of books. Students who wish to deep study certain topics find this as a wonderful opportunity and resource for their learning. 

Online classrooms can also be conducted on popular video streaming apps. Students can join live streaming sessions and answer questions, ask doubts and do so much more from their homes. 

Online classrooms and virtual spaces have opened up many new possibilities for online teaching and learning. Teachers can start their own lecture series and upload in these classrooms for the benefit of more students than they could teach in a traditional classroom. They can also start private tutoring sessions using any online classes app and add to their earning along with sharing their knowledge. 

For students from financially weaker backgrounds, online classes apps have proven beneficial as they can find a lot of free and useful content.

Online classroom apps, if used and utilised well are a boon and should be accessible to all.