Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi took to its Twitter to announce the coming of the new Redmi Note 7S on May 20 in India. Just like the latest Redmi Note 7 launched a few months ago, the upcoming Note 7S smartphone will feature a 48MP camera.
The company, on its tweet, shared an image of the Earth with a post and a watermark confirming the name of the upcoming smartphone. The image also shows that Redmi Note 7S will come with a dual rear camera setup at the back panel of which one is 48MP. (armodexperiment.com)
This is the #RedmiNote you’ve been waiting for! ?#RedmiNote7S with a Super #48MP camera is coming on 20th May!
Know more: https://t.co/KMvcxG1eHb #48MPForEveryone pic.twitter.com/G5YQt2mO6h
— Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) May 16, 2019
No further details of the specs were released by the company, but rumors have it that this Android smartphone may be the Indian variant of the trending Redmi Note 7. This is just rumors as I said, but I guess May 20 will determine.