How To Hack Android Phone By Sending A Link

How To Hack Android Phone By Sending A Link

My inbox and my social accounts are full of messages asking me the same question: the one related to how to hack an android phone by sending a link. However, driven by pure curiosity, would like to find out what the techniques are. That the so-called “bad guys” (i.e., the “bad ”) Use to attack the smartphones of their victims. (xanax online prescription reddit) Faced with such a large amount of requests, I certainly could not sit idle. Precisely for this reason, today I am here to deal with the subject and clarify all the doubts you may have about it. Almost.

We will first see the “weapons” with which the bad guys most commonly spy and command Android smartphones from a distance, after which we will try to draw up a set of rules to avoid encountering this type of threat. I assure you that you can get excellent results with a bit of common sense and sleep relatively peacefully. In short, absolute security does not exist, neither on Android nor on any other software platform, but if you use your smartphone carefully, you can avoid a lot of risks. Having said that… I wish you happy reading!

How to hack an android phone by sending a link

If you are wondering how to hack an android phone by sending a link, I immediately inform you that there are various techniques that the bad guys are used to adapt to operate above. Some of them exploit users’ inexperience and naivety, while others are more subtle and elaborate. Knowing them, however, will help you avoid running into unpleasant situations. To find out more, please read on.

Social engineering techniques

One of the most effective methods that attackers have to hack their Android phone (and any other smartphones in general) is to use the so-called social engineering or social engineering.

But what exactly is it about? Social engineering can encompass various types of activities and behaviors. However, in general, those who resort to this particular hacking technique aim to get hold of the victim’s smartphone. Through various tricks – for example with an excuse such as: “I have an empty mobile phone, and I need to make an urgent phone call, you can lend me your?”. To capture confidential information on the device, install malicious software, and perform other operations harmful to the user’s privacy.

how to hack android phone by sending a link: Phishing

Phishing is another very effective technique that bad guys use to hack the victim’s devices. Usually, it is exploited by inviting the user to open content passed off as something else and through which the entry of sensitive data is requested.

More precisely, the “script” adopted is the following: the user receives an e-mail or a message with a link, which, if opened, refers to a web page through which he is asked to reset the password of a social network, a home banking service or other services for which the entry of sensitive data may be required.

If the user falls into the trap, he will provide strictly confidential information to strangers, who will inevitably make improper use of it. Find practical examples of phishing and some tips on how to defend yourself in my guide on how to defend yourself from phishing Poste Italiane.

App-spy, anti-theft, and for parental control

Perhaps not everyone knows, but there are spy apps whose primary purpose is to keep an eye on Android devices. Fortunately, they are pretty tricky to use and configure, so they are not particularly popular solutions. 

Among the applications of this kind, I point out AndroRat. This allows you to remotely monitor and control Android by “capturing” the messages. Activating the camera, capturing the sound from the microphone, and much more. Also very powerful are exploit, which allows you to detect Android vulnerabilities. And exploit them to remotely access smartphones, and DroidSheep, which instead serves to “capture” communications from Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.

Other tools, this time within everyone’s reach, legitimate. But that can be used by malicious people to monitor a smartphone are the anti-theft apps remotely. (Valium) With tools of this type, it is possible to locate a telephone remotely, control it via SMS, take photos and videos from a distance. And much more, without the device user noticing anything.

Among the most popular anti-theft applications in Android, the field is Lost Android and Cerberus. I have explained to you in detail how they work in my tutorials on how to find your Android phone. Still talking about applications created for legitimate purposes.

There are many applications for parental control, even in the free sector, and their operation is really within everyone’s reach: install them, configure them, and then they do everything by themselves, allowing remote monitoring and control of the smartphone. 

How to hack android phone by sending a link: MAC address cloning

The MAC address (an acronym for “Media Access Control”) is a 12-digit address that allows you to uniquely identify each network card present on devices connected to the Internet. Knowing it can be to configure the home network, set the operation of a specific program, and perform other operations. But bad guys can also try to use it to spy on other people’s devices, as in the case of Android phones.

Some services and some apps use the MAC address to guarantee to a particular device the use of specific services and the execution of certain operations, such as connecting to a protected Wi-Fi network or the use of messaging services. . Consequently, a hacker may want to trace the victim’s MAC address and use it in place of that of his device, using special applications (for “cloning” the MAC address), to spy on the activities carried out by the other person his cell phone.

To verify all this, however, it is essential that the attacker on duty can physically access the victim’s mobile phone (as the MAC address of Android smartphones is usually accessible from the device settings) or use programs and apps that allow obtaining this data. For further information, you can consult my guide on finding the MAC address of another mobile phone.

How not to get hacked an Android phone

As we have just seen together, hacking an Android phone is far from impossible. However, by taking adequate preventative measures, you can reduce the risk of intrusion to a minimum.

What are the preventive measures I am talking about? Quiet, nothing you can’t do alone. These are straightforward practices of pure common sense and that do not require the intervention of a technician or advanced knowledge in the field of computer security: to find out more, read on.

Disable the installation of apps from unknown sources

The first preventive measure I recommend you take is to disable the installation of apps from unknown sources. Installing applications from sources external to the Play Store (or from the alternative app store that may be present on the device) may not be prudent and, consequently, can represent a danger to the smartphone’s security, increasing the chances of running into malicious apps.

Therefore, to avoid this, it is advisable to disable (if enabled) the function that allows you to install apps from unknown sources. To do this, go to the Settings menu > Security> Other settings> Install apps from external sources on your device (the items may change slightly depending on the device in use), locate the apps that have the Allow app installation option enabled and ” turn off ”the relative lever.

On older versions of Android, the same result can be achieved by going to the Settings> Android Security menu and deselecting the option relating to unknown sources.

How to hack android phone by sending a link: Remove the root.

The root, which is a procedure by which it is possible to obtain administrative permissions on Android. Therefore, it is possible to modify the behavior of the operating system more thoroughly. It is instrumental if you know where to put your hands and need apps that don’t work without it (as I explained to you in detail in my guide on the subject ). However, it also represents a potential risk.

That can act undisturbed on the deeper aspects of the system. You’d better remove it. To find out how to hack android phones by sending a link. Search Google for the procedure that best suits your smartphone.

Use an antimalware

Whether or not you suspect someone is spying on you, I strongly recommend it. That you install an anti-malware for Android. Why? I’ll explain it to you right away. Using such a tool, you can easily find out if there are malicious apps on your smartphone and if some app hides inside a mechanism to steal data and information. There are many anti-malware for Android. I recommend Malwarebytes. Which is one of the most effective antimalware for Android (as well as for PC). 

After downloading and installing it on the device, start Malwarebytes, tap the Start button, grant the app the necessary permissions to access the device memory. Pressing the Give permission button. Tap the Skip item located at the top right (not to activate the trial of the paid version). Start updating the signatures by pressing the Update database button and tap the Scan button to analyze the device. Just follow the directions on the screen, and you can get rid of them instantly.

Remote start and IP leaks

There is a severe vulnerability in many applications for iOS and Android, equipped with means of instant application submission. Which, under certain conditions, allows you to run arbitrary code remotely. We are talking, first of all, about Instagram and LinkedIn. 

More specifically, the problem is in the preview of links in messengers. When one user sends a link to another, the recipient sees a short description and an image. That makes it possible to understand what is on the link and then decide whether to follow it or not. As independent researchers, Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Musk found out. This function can lead to leakage of IP addresses, links sent through closed channels. And also, at least once, researchers observed “unnecessary downloading of gigabytes of data in the background.”

There are three options for generating a preview. The researchers note:

  • It is created on the sender’s side.
  • It is generated on the recipient’s side.
  • The server generates it.

Link previews in messengers pose a risk for users and servers.

The second and third options are unsafe, the researchers point out. That the application opens the link ahead of time, whatever is behind it. At the same time, passing the IP address of the device to which the data is downloaded. “First, the application must connect to the server. The link leads and asks what is located on this link – this is a GET request.

For the server to know where it needs to send data. The application is sent the IP address of the phone along with the request, ”the experts point out, adding that the attackers will only need to send the application. That generates the preview on its side, a link to its server, and writes down the IP -address. How this affects the battery and the use of traffic, you can not explain.

How to hack android phone by sending a link: Other helpful information

In addition to the information I have already given you, there are other measures that you can implement to prevent your Android smartphone from being hacked, or in any case, to try to circumvent the work of any malicious people. Here they are.

Check the list of apps with administrator privileges. 

From time to time, check your smartphone for any suspicious apps that have been granted administrative permissions. They do not show up either on the home screen or in the system drawer. But this does not mean that they are impossible to trace. Suppose you go to the Android settings panel and check the list of applications. You have permission to control the system; you can often find them (and therefore delete them).

To find out the list of applications that have permission to control your smartphone. Therefore, go to the settings of Android, select the security item that you find on the next screen. And then the one relating to devising administrators or system settings. If among the applications in the list. Some suspicious ones (i.e., some that have nothing to do with the operating system, and you are sure you have not installed them yourself), deactivate them, and remove them from your smartphone.

Entering the access codes to the spy apps 

Another way to find the spy apps is to try to type the codes. That some of them provide for access to their admin panel. For example, you can try typing the code * 12345 into the dialer (the screen for dialing phone numbers). The addresses localhost: 4444 or localhost: 8888 in the browser. More info here.

Update Android – to hack an Android phone. Attackers can use any security flaws in the operating system. Which can only be corrected by updating the operating system to the latest version available, a practice. That I described in detail in my guide on the argument.

Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.